"Hello" is a national campaign that looks to promote integration between non - Singaporeans and Singaporeans through a series of activities for a more cohesive society.

Coming Together
This initiative will deliver honest, constructive content online across 3 formats optimised for social media platforms: photographs, podcasts and articles. The formats will, over 3 months, converge on a core theme: non-Singaporeans should be proactive towards integration and Singaporeans should be more welcoming.
The photo exhibition will launch first to initiate conversations. This will be followed up with articles and podcasts which reflect on the conversations initiated while staying true to the core theme.
Curry & Me
26 March 2021 & 28 November 2021
ToTT Tampines, Toh Guan Dormitory & Westlite Dormitory
Food brings people together. Sharing food encourages conversations and reminds us that even in diversity and variety, we do have much in common. We held a Curry & Me cooking competition that encourages participants to work together to prepare Curry Devil, a uniquely Eurasian dish, where the diverse groups of participants will not only interact with one another but also learn about the cultural heritage behind the dish.

Cook To Connect
29 October – 23 December 2020
All across Singapore
A collaboration with ItsRainingRaincoats that enabled Singaporeans to get to know the migrant workers within our community. It will take the format of a cooking demonstration, setting the scene for casual conversations to take place between participants and migrant workers, for both parties to learn about each other. We also held a public donation drive for care packs for the migrant workers.
Hello Kawan -
Localising the Global Citizens
2019 to 21 April 2022
A series of workshops where participants get to address stereotypes, biases, hopes, and dreams in a safe space where meaningful interactions between foreigners and locals becomes the focus. Not only will the engagement help foreigners understand the cultural and social nuances of Singapore, but it will help develop a baseline of trust and mutual understanding.
Corporate Training Partners: PwC, Singapore International Chamber of Commerce, Airbus Asia Training Centre and Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank

ONE Football
1 December 2019 to 31 March 2020
Training Venues: Singapore University of Social Sciences & People’s Association HQ
Football is life. At least to many.
ONE Football encouraged Singaporeans and non-Singaporeans to come together to play, train and compete as a team. It is about getting to know one another over the beautiful game of football.
We're Listening
12 January 2020 to 14 March 2020
We’re Listening is an initiative to hear from non-Singaporeans on their thoughts and experiences on living and working in Singapore, to identify the gap in expectations between locals and non-locals with regards to socially/culturally accepted norms here in Singapore. The findings will be used to develop relevant solutions that foster greater understanding and integration between communities in our society.